The scene in Oxford last week was unbelieveable. So much excitement and fun!
Jenny Lewis on Wednesday night was AWESOME. Go out and buy her new album Acid Tounge today, because it rocks. And she rocked it. I'm not sure that I've ever seen anyone have that much fun on stage.
Neko Case on Thursday was fabulous. I've never heard a voice quite like hers. She has so much soul!
Neko Case at The Lyric OxfordAfter the show, I saw the Red Bull bus outside of the Library Sports Bar. Ha!

Then Friday brought the big "Rock the Vote" celebration in the Grove at Ole Miss. Chip and I went back and forth from the Oxford Square to the Grove a few times, enjoying every minute of it. Some of the things we saw:
The back of Andrea Miller of MSNBC. Sorry I couldn't get a better angle... Hardball with Chris Matthews was recording live from the Ole Miss Student Union all afternoon. I was seriously hoping Rachel Maddow would be there, too. She wasn't!
Then I saw Howard Dean! Here he is taking a photo with Dr. Conlon. She is a MIS professor at Ole Miss. Dr. Conlon taught me everything I know about SQL. I loved her class! She was super excited to meet Dr. Dean. Her husband, an economics professor, spoke with Dr. Dean for quite a while.
And here I am with Howard Dean. His tie was really cool. It said Obama'08 very tiny across the whole thing.
We toured the Grove and saw all sorts of people wearing buttons, stickers, signs, hats, and costumes professing their love for their candidate of choice. These rednecks are for Obama. In the background are mini-wind turbines set up by Power Vote.
Before we left, I took a photo in front of the Obama tent.We went up to the Square at about 5:30 PM to set up our chairs for the debate. The city of Oxford blocked off one side of the Square and set up two large screens for the community to watch the debate. The crowd was great. Excited. Polite. I didn't get any photos, though. I was dog-tired from walking all over town and just collapsed in my lawn chair until the debate started. The debate was great. I loved watching it in a mixed crowd like that. From the sound of folks' clapping or cheering, I could tell the debate was pretty much a draw. Maybe the Obama voters were a tiny bit louder. Just a tiny bit.
Most of my readers could care less about what happened on Saturday, but I have to mention it. Chip and I went to the sports bar at 11:00 AM to watch the Rebels take on the #4 Florida Gators in Gainsville. Kick off was at 11:30 AM, and what a game! You can read the highlights here. Rebels beat the Gators 31-30. Who-hoo! What a great weekend to be a Rebel fan!