The sweet potatoes were OK. I miss my huge rosemary plant... My favorite preparation for sweet potatoes is to roast them with rosemary and kosher salt. It is always so good. The cinnamon and cayenne was just so-so. To do list for the summer: get a rosemary plant and find some sun to grow it in!
The Crackling Cauliflower was fantastic! I've never actually had it at Whole Foods before, but I've seen it in the deli. Last week I bought a purple cauliflower at Kroger with another recipe in mind, but tonight I decided I needed something quick and easy, and this cauliflower dish fit the bill.

It kinda looks like broccoli in this photo, but I assure you, it's much better than roasted broccoli.
Crackling Cauliflower recipe:
And here's a better photo, courtesy of