Sunday, September 30, 2007

Horseback Riding

This is crazy, but Chip and I are thinking about taking horseback riding lessons. I saw an article in the local paper about an equestrian program at Mississippi College, and it named a horse farm just a few miles from our house. As soon as I saw their website I wanted to take some lessons. We rode by the farm today, and omg it is beautiful! If we decide to do this, I may document our experience on the blog even though it doesn't have much to do with gardening.

I've always wanted to learn how to ride. Blame it on reading those Cormac McCarthy books. I'm really excited about this!


Susie S said...

That sounds like so much fun! I haven't ridden in years and I sure do miss it! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Leah Maria said...

This will be a fun and exciting experience! Like Susan, it has been years since I've ridden.

Lisa Blair said...

TC, I'm glad you stopped by today. I had no idea that I was a featured garden blogger today. I listed to Felder's radio show quite a bit and have his book Passalong Plants.

I've never been horseback riding on my own, always a passenger while someone else actually did the driving :)

I expect I'll be pretty sore when I get done, but it will certainly be worth it!
