I did finish the veggie bed New Year's weekend. Well, almost finished. I still need a little bit of soil to go in it. Wanna see? Ta-da!!!
Here is the bed right after I finished putting it together.
I used this raised bed, purchased from Gardener's Supply Company.

So far I think this was a good choice. It fits my space just perfectly. Here are some photos from after I filled it with soil. I had to buy soil from HD because I just didn't have enough to fill it with. I used an organic mix.

The extension service says my last frost date is between March 12-21. Only 43 days away! This weekend I am going to get a detailed plan together. Can't wait! The weather should be nice this weekend - in the low 60s.
Oh! And I almost forgot. We got snow last weekend! On January 19th we woke up to a light spattering of snow. I took this photo at about 9:15 AM while I was on my way out the door to yoga class. By the time I got home from yoga at 11:00, all of it was melted. It was such a nice surprise!