Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2015 in a Nutshell

It is a snow day in Oxford today. It started around 11 AM and has steadily snowed since. It's gorgeous.

Snowy street


I'll be honest, 2015 has been tough for me so far. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I've been in such a funk. Here's hoping for fairer days ahead. But this day can stay just like it is. Snow hats and hot chocolate by the fire.

Here are a few pics from this year so far.
Working on our faces. This is "sad face".

Lydia's Christmas present from me was a baby doll with "doctor" accessories.

Listening to baby's heartbeat

We got an African violet for the window sill

Hanging out before going to school

Sitting in her doll stroller


Ginger said...

Awwwwww Lydia is so big and cute! Time is passing too fast for our little ones, not so much for us. It's a weird pre-mid-life time for me, too.
Miss y'all and hope to see you soon!

Susie S said...

She is just too precious! 2015 has been a bit of a doozy, but hoping spring will bring some relief!