Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Perennial Blooms

Connie wanted to see a photo of echinacea "Sundown" once it bloomed, so here it is. Also a photo of my shasta daisy. I really like both of these plants. Shasta daisy is a plant that makes me smile, and I'm wowed by the bright color on the echinacea.

In this photo you can see the lonely Ruby Giant echinacea who has yet to bloom. It gets more shade than the other plants because of the mimosa tree. Could that cause it to bloom later? I do see that it is putting out a bud, so at least it is getting somewhere!

Oh! It looks as if I'll have at least one gladiolus in bloom on Garden Bloggers Bloom day (June 15th). Yay!


Connie said...

Lisa, Thanks for sharing your photo of 'Sundown'. Mine has 2 blooms coming which will probably open as soon as we get some sunshine....has been unseasonably cool and cloudy of late. I definitely think shade would delay blooms on echinacea, since it is such a sun lover.
Your daisy is perfect!

kate said...

I wonder too, if some of these new Echinacea varieties take longer to bloom ... and come to that, in my case, to grow. I'm curious aboutthis too.

Your daisies are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Perennials! I cherish them!
Nice photos.
Happy Summer.