A quad-ruled, 5-subject spiral notebook. Has anyone ever seen one?
I use a 1-subject, quad-ruled spiral notebook for my garden journal. But lately a lot of non-garden related items have made it into my notebook, and I don't like it. For example, page 1 is garden related, but pages 3-10 are Fall 2007 fashion ideas. Then there are home ideas and Christmas lists, and a "note-to-self" that I am way too short to wear ankle boots with a pencil skirt. The problem with having everything in one notebook is that I can never find the tid-bit of info that I need. (Now, where did I put that recipe for natural hardwood floor cleaner... or which handbag did I decide I liked best... or where is my list of heirloom seeds for spring planting?) I'd love to have a 5-subject notebook with sections for Garden, Home, Finance, Fashion, and Web Design. Now that I have this photoshop program I've got to have a place to write down all the things I learn about how to work it. One of my resolutions for 2008 is to get my finances in order, and I certainly can't do that unless I have a notebook to write it all down in, right?! At the rate I misplace just this one notebook, it wouldn't make sense for me to have five of them. I know exactly what would happen if I had five. I'd come up with an excellent idea, go looking high-and-low for the correct but misplaced notebook, then when I couldn't find it anywhere, resign to putting my great idea in the WRONG notebook. Devastating.
During my vacation I plan to get organized. For me, getting organized means starting with a fresh notebook to capture all my ideas.
Broccolini with Scallions
23 hours ago