Cool, Allie tagged me! I'm supposed to share six interesting things about myself and tag six other folks to do the same. Here goes nothin':
1. I am a strict recycler. I've been known to go back through the trash and pick out stuff that should have been put in the recycling bin. Somehow, this makes me a happier person.
2. I am a neat freak in the kitchen, but not really anywhere else. Just see what happens when you put a wine glass where the water glasses go. Or even worse, put the potatoes in the same cabinet as the onions. Or even WORSE, put the vegetable peeler in the baking drawer with the spoon and cup measures. Actually, I'm getting a little frustrated just THINKING about the vegetable peeler being in the baking drawer.
3. It is difficult for me to get out of bed in the morning. Especially if it is cold outside of the covers. I might lie there for 30 minutes or more to delay the shock of getting out of bed into the cold. Sometimes I imagine myself as an early riser. Getting up before the sun to do yoga, or pray, or to go for a walk. But that's just not me.
4. I don't really enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes. There are exceptions to this rule for certain clothing stores (Anthropologie, for example). As for shoes, it is always a fight. Stores don't generally carry my size. I'm constantly disappointed when I try on the smallest size of a shoe I really like, and it's too big.
5. I love to read. Right now I'm reading On Beauty by Zadie Smith. It is set in a fictitious college town outside of Boston with a few scenes in London.
6. I think I've run out of interesting things to say about myself. If you guys think of anything else, put it in the comments.
Who will I tag? How about...
Jenny - The Clems
Susan - SM Squared
Corinne - She Do Nothing All Day
Katie - Tall Katie Tells it All
Mara - Focus on Your Craft!
and Ginger - Do you have a blog?
Broccolini with Scallions
1 day ago