I have harvested a few vegetables so far this May. Four carrots (one was white??), a bowlful of lettuce, a sad little broccoli stem, and some sugar snap peas.
The broccoli never did much. I purchased broccoli transplants from The Tasteful Garden this year. They arrived on March 3rd (their earliest possible ship date), and I got them in the ground on March 9th. Very soon after that, we had highs in the 80s, so it was just too hot for them. According to the Mississippi Department of Agriculture's planting guide, I really should have the plants in the ground by February 12 and no later than March 1. I might try broccoli again in the fall and see how it does.
Today the lettuce is on its last leg because the temperatures are reaching the lower 90s this week. I can probably get one more good harvest out of it, but I need to do that today or tomorrow.
I've had my best carrot harvest yet. The white carrot was a bit of a mystery. Maybe it was a parsnip? Not sure how it got in the Scarlet Nantes carrot seed envelope.
And lastly, the sugar snaps are delicious! The photo above is our second harvest of about 10 or 12 pods. I think we'll get at least two or three more harvests.
A few more carrots and some of the Swiss chard leaves should be ready to harvest early next week. I'm really looking forward to it!

Everything looks yummy... especially those peas. Mine haven't blossomed yet. We are just now into our frost free weather, so I am busy planting out the warmer season veggies.
Lisa I am so impressed. I do the basics so maybe next year you can share some tips on carrots and peas. Hope you are doing well.
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