We are back from our way too short vacation. It was wonderful! We went to London for 3 days, Paris for 2, then London for 3 more.
I visited the gardens at Regents Park and Hyde Park. We didn't make it out to Hampstead Heath or Kew Gardens. I definitely want to make it to those two the next time we go back. Next time? Yes, of course there will be a next time! Here are some of my favorite garden photos:

In the wealthy neighborhoods there are these private parks every few blocks or so. We took a walk around Sloane Square one morning and I peeked at one through the fence. All the gardens are very well kept.

Interestingly enough I saw yuccas all over Regents Park. London rarely freezes in winter, but with the high rainfall I was suprised to see these. Yuccas are native to hot, dry landscapes.

My husband, Chip, in one of the gardens at Regents Park. Some special flowers at Regents Park:

Purple aster and yarrow

Pink dahlias

Yellow roses: Phab Gold and Poetry in Motion. The blooms on Poetry in Motion were out of this world! Bigger than my fist, I think.

The pond in the Inner Circle at Regents Park.

Me, posing for a photo on the brige to the pond's island garden.

This was the outdoor courtyard at our first hotel in London: B+B Belgravia. That lime green tree in the top part of the frame was absolutely gorgeous. I wish I'd have gotten a better photo of it.

Lancaster Gate in Hyde Park. Our second hotel in London was just on the other side of that gate. What a bright color combination on this flower bed! What do you think of it?

The Rose Garden in Hyde Park near Hyde Park Corner.

Another bold color combination.

A bench in the Rose Garden.